
The Water Break Podcast Hits 4,000 Downloads

This week, our Water Break Podcast reached the milestone of 4,000 downloads. Our fanbase is growing quickly, as it took us 18 episodes and 16 months to reach 3,000 downloads but then only 3 more episodes to reach the 4,000-download mark. The statistics report from Blubrry, our podcast hosting service, has also let us know that we now have listeners in 63 countries. That’s a lot of interest for a podcast devoted to water and wastewater treatment.

While a great deal of the podcast’s success is due to Heather Jennings being such an amazing, hardworking host, we also send a big Thank You to the 35 guests (so far) who have volunteered to provide over 4,000 hours of free education to the water and wastewater community.

Congratulations to everyone who has participated in helping The Water Break Podcast become a growing success!

To view and listen to the 22 podcast episodes, click here or subscribe to The Water Break Podcast through your favorite podcasting service.

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