The Water Break Podcast, Episode 21: Digging Into Excavation and Trenching Safety

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In The Water Break Podcast Episode 21, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses Excavation and Trenching Safety with Joseph Lanute. Mr. Lanute is the owner of Universal Safety Compliance, LLC., and he is a lead Instructor at the OSHA Training Institute Education Center at Arizona State University. Universal Safety Compliance (phone 602-810-6713) is a full-service safety consulting, training and risk management company providing all aspects of safety and loss control services to companies throughout Arizona and the Southwest.

Podcast Links

Wanda’s Water Tidbit Links

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 19: What the New Infrastructure Funding Law Means for Water Treatment

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In Episode 19, Heather Jennings, PE, interviews Michael Preston, Legislative and Policy Analyst for the National Rural Water Association, regarding the newly passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and what the billions of dollars in new federal funding could mean for the water and wastewater industry.

The bill delivers more than $50 billion to EPA to improve our nation’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure—the single largest investment in water that the federal government has ever made. [Read more…]

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 17: Gain, Train, Retain

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In Episode 17, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses the aging of the current water and wastewater treatment operations workforce and efforts to recruit, train, and retain new workers. Her guests are Paula Jackson, Apprenticeship Program Coordinator for the Vermont Rural Water Association, and Shea Dunifon, Education Coordinator for Pinellas County Utilities’ South Cross Bayou Education Program.


The Water Break Podcast, Episode 16: The Environmental Laboratory, Tips and Tricks for Sampling

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In Episode 16, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses Environmental Laboratory Sampling Tips & Tricks with Marci Payne, Sales and Marketing Director at Legend Technical Services of Arizona, Inc. In this podcast, Ms. Payne provides a general overview of best practices for collecting water and wastewater samples for testing at an environmental laboratory.  

Additional Resources:

Wanda’s Water Tidbit: Fatty McFatberg


Podcast Q&A: Stump the Experts

For our May “Water Break” podcast we’d like to test the experience of 3 panelists who collectively have 100 years of experience between them. Please send me the trickiest wastewater issues you’ve dealt with or are currently dealing with! I personally can’t wait to hear our panelists’ responses! Send your questions to by 5 pm Wednesday, May 12, 2021. You can also put your questions in the blog comments section and we’ll connect to get the specifics. 

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 12: Cyber Security for Water and Wastewater Systems

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In Episode 12, Heather Jennings discusses Cyber Security for Water and Wastewater Systems with her guest, Tom Kirkham. Tom is the Founder and CEO of IronTech Security. IronTech Security is a cybersecurity company that has been providing services to water utilities for 20+ years. Topics discussed include cyber security issues currently facing the water and wastewater industries and how to prepare for them.

Mentioned in the Podcast
Podcast References from Wanda’s Water Tidbit: Water Bears on the Moon?

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 11: Everything You Wanted to Know About BOD Testing (But Were Afraid to Ask)

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In Episode 11, Heather Jennings discusses wastewater BOD (biological oxygen demand) Testing and Lab Analysis with 2 guests: Rick Mealy, retired program chemist from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Laboratory Certification and Registration Program and president-elect of the Wisconsin Wastewater Operator Association’s (WWOA) Board of Directors, and George Bowman, retired lab manager and certification audit chemist.

Contact Rick Mealy at or through the Wisconsin Wastewater Operators’ Association

How to make Holy Water (according to Rick and George): Wait for the video on Slide 2. Click to Watch

Podcast References from Wanda’s Water Tidbit: Walking on Water


The Water Break Podcast, Episode 10: Getting Clarification

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In Episode 10, Heather Jennings discusses water clarifiers with John Gottschall. Mr. Gottschall is retired, with over 40 years of experience in the wastewater industry. Topics covered in the podcast include introduction and orientation to water clarifiers, types, processes involved, and maintenance of clarifier systems. Mr. Gottschall shares many lessons learned from his long experience, along with stories from the field that include goats and lawn mowers!

John Gottschall may be contacted at

Podcast References from Wanda’s Water Tidbit: Ice Balls

The Water Break Podcast, Episode #5: Lagoon Aeration

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In this podcast episode, host Heather Jennings, PE, interviews Patrick Hill, a wastewater treatment lagoon specialist at Triplepoint Environmental. Patrick has presented on lagoon topics at conferences throughout the U.S. and at WEFTEC. He was named one of Water and Waste Digest’s young water professionals to watch in 2015. In this podcast, Heather and Patrick discuss lagoons, their technical considerations, and aeration options. And at the end of the podcast, in Wanda’s Water Tidbits, Heather describes an Australian effort to use an electrochemical method to clean up heavily polluted industrial wastewater.

Triplepoint Environmental Website:


New Atlas article: Zaps of electricity clean up wastewater from biofuel production

Algal Research article: Electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen-rich post-hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater

University of Sydney article: Engineers use electricity to clean up toxic water

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck animation: Algae Season/Duckweed Season

The Water Break Podcast, Episode #3: Troubleshooting Water and Wastewater Systems

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In this podcast episode, host Heather Jennings, PE, interviews Fred Black and Ray Ramos of the New Mexico Rural Water Association on the topic of Troubleshooting Water and Wastewater Systems. Fred and Ray troubleshoot water and wastewater systems in the state of New Mexico, and together they have more than 50 years of experience in the water/wastewater industry.

Referenced in the Podcast
New Mexico Rural Water Association:

How to Row a Boat:

How NOT to Row a Boat:

Journal of Consumer Psychology: Taking a Shine to it: How the preference for glossy stems from an innate need for water.

Jemaine Clement—“Shiny” (from Moana) (Official Video)

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