Strengthening the Biostimulant Movement with HPTA

By Lyndon Smith
President and CEO,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

We attended the Humic Products Trade Association (HPTA) annual meeting this past month in Park City, Utah. It’s always a pleasure to get together with industry peers and talk about issues pertaining to HPTA as well as discussing the latest and the greatest research and product developments taking place in the biostimulant movement throughout the world!

Our alliance with HPTA is a long and strong one. From being a participant (with Mesa Verde) since its inception in 2010 and serving as a member of the Board of Directors—it’s been fun to see us come together in unity and how we’ve accomplished many monumental and exciting milestones together. [Read more…]


by Heather Jennings, PE

. . . the lagoon sludge layer, that is. I’ve seen many lagoons full of sludge, and the general attitude I find in the water industry is that the sludge layer is inert and really can only be mechanically dredged. To a certain point, that is correct: sand, soil, grit, plastics—basically inorganics—do need to be mechanically dredged. The organics, on the other hand, don’t, and they are easily removed with bioremediation. Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Nutrients for a Minute

by Heather Jennings, PE

Generally, in the wastewater industry we talk about 100 mg/L BOD to 5 mg/L Nitrogen to 1 mg/L Phosphorus. The values for nitrogen and phosphorus can be higher or lower than this, but it’s the average number that many wastewater system designs are built around.

If you look a little further, there is another formula used to describe the typical biomass of cells, C12H87O23N12P. This just isn’t all that is needed, though, to build a healthy biomass. Just like how my kids can’t grow healthy on pizza and their favorite blue box of mac and cheese, microbes need additional inorganic nutrients such as potassium, calcium, iron, and chlorine. They also need micronutrients such as molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, and others. This is where many wastewater systems are typically deficient: the micronutrients. What wastewater treatment facility operators often don’t realize is that you can have all the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the world, but without the inorganic and micronutrients you may never be able to truly optimize your system!

The more diversified your influent, the better off you are, but you can still have a system always on the edge of running out. Add chronic toxicity or a mild upset, and you can lose the whole biomass overnight. Our Probiotic Solutions® product, Bio Genesis®, uses a carbon carrier to deliver macro- and micronutrients to the cells. The added bonus is that the carbon carrier we call Micro Carbon Technology® is itself a biostimulant—think energy drink for the microbes—that helps them reduce solids and organics more efficiently than previously possible.

For more information about Bio Genesis, click here.

Use of Biostimulants for Upset Recovery in Paper Mill Wastewater Systems

By Heather Jennings, PE

Two specific Probiotic Solutions® liquid bioremediation products were used at a large-scale paper mill in China to address system upsets caused by hydraulic loading from new upstream processes.

The products involved are Bio Energizer® (BE)—a scientific formulation of organic acids, buffers, natural biological stimulants, micronutrients, and energy systems—and Micatrol® (MT), a specialized product that uses organic acid as a substrate to buffer wastewater microbial life. Both BE and MT are complexed with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) to deliver readily bioavailable nutrients to microorganisms. [Read more…]

Use of Biostimulants and Buffers for Upset Recovery in Paper Mill Wastewater Systems

By Heather Jennings, PE

Industrial pulp and paper wastewater is considered one of the more challenging waters to treat using biological methods, which depend on microbial activity to effectively remediate the wastewater.

Wastewater treatment systems are often influenced/impacted by increased hydraulic and/or COD (chemical oxygen demand) loading as mills add new chemicals or otherwise modify mill operations. These events oftentimes inhibit the wastewater microbial activity, causing “upsets” and, potentially, discharge-limit violations. However, providing the necessary biostimulants and buffers to the microbial system—as we describe in this case study from a paper mill in China—can significantly improve system-upset recovery time and overall operational stability. Continue Reading

Industrial Wastewater Treatment for Corn Processing Plant

Bio Energizer Treatment for Corn Processing Plant

Within a few months of operation, a lagoon and spray field system at a corn processing plant in Indiana began giving off offensive odors. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels in the anaerobic and aerobic lagoons climbed to 8,000 mg/L and 4,000 mg/L respectively. The pH in the anaerobic lagoon was dropping dangerously low for methane production. Attempts to resolve the issues with bacteria, odor masking products, and lime were unsuccessful and short-term at best. Lime settled to the bottom of the lagoons, temporarily raising pH and reducing odors. The odor soon became unmanageable and an annoyance to neighbors.
Read more about odor reduction

Bio Energizer, Micatrol & Bio Feed Reduce COD and Stabilize Wastewater Treatment for Plastic Producer

chartA plastic manufacturer in Taiwan needed a new process to efficiently treat elevated incoming chemical oxygen demand (COD) to comply with stringent EPA regulations for effluent discharge. The plant is an activated sludge treatment system with an influent of approximately 2,000 cubic meters per day (CMD) which is equivalent to approximately 530,000 gallons per day (GPD). The plant was unable to bring the plant into compliance using alternative technologies. 
Read more about treating elevated COD

A Powerful and Proven Strategy to Cut Wastwater Treatment Costs

BIO ENERGIZER Before and After-01Using our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®, Probiotic Solutions® product BIO ENERGIZER® efficiently reduces sludge, odor, BOD, COD, and FOG’s. It’s a scientific formulation of organic acids, buffers, and nutrients designed to stimulate natural biological ecosystems that increase biooxidation of sludge in wastewater treatment plants, lagoons, and ponds. It also reduces grease and solids accumulation problems in sewer lines and lift stations.  Learn more and read our white paper.

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