
Probiotic Solutions is now Huma Environmental

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 30: Operations Challenge

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In episode 30 of the Water Break Podcast, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses the WEFTEC Operations Challenge with Allan Clum, General Manager, and Greg Hill, Operations Manager, at Mount Pleasant Waterworks (MPW) in South Carolina. Clum and Hill share their experience of participating in the Operations Challenge and reveal why this challenge is a big deal in the industry. [Read more…]

The Water Break Podcast Hits 5,000 Downloads

Our Water Break podcast has made a splash by reaching the milestone of 5,000 downloads this week. The steady growth of this project feels like a pat on the back and helps us stay motivated to come up with new content for our listeners each month.

According to the statistics report from Blubrry, our podcast hosting service, we have completed 5,014 downloads so far! It’s interesting to know that during the last 30 days we noted a 34% increase in downloads. Since we are now averaging close to 300 downloads per month, many would agree that these numbers look great for a podcast that caters to a very specific audience.

We have to take a moment to acknowledge our fantastic host, Heather Jennings, for her tireless work on the Water Break podcast. It is Heather, along with our wonderful guests, who keeps things interesting and helps spread the knowledge about wastewater and all its fascinating aspects.

Congratulations and a big thank you to everyone who contributed to making The Water Break Podcast a success with 5,000 downloads. We look forward to recording many more episodes and reaching many more milestones!

To view and listen to the 25 podcast episodes, click here or subscribe to The Water Break Podcast through your favorite podcasting service.

New Video: 8 Essential Products for Wastewater Bioremediation

In this video, Heather Jennings, PE, Director of Probiotic Solutions®, provides an introduction to 8 essential products for wastewater bioremediation.

Stimulating the growth and development of the correct microbial populations for processing wastewater contaminants has been our core business for over 45 years. In that time, we’ve developed a suite of 40 bioremediation products that are unsurpassed in the industry. The following 8 products are highlighted in the video:

[Read more…]

The Probiotic Solutions Product Quality Assurance Process

In this video, we show the scientific steps we take to make sure that all our Probiotic Solutions® liquid products are built according to specifications, are consistent from batch to batch, and are of the highest quality.

Video: BHN Company Values

In this 4-minute video, BHN President/CEO Lyndon Smith speaks with us about BHN’s Company Values—Integrity, Win-Win-Win, Proactive Innovation, Relentless Pursuit of Excellence—and their impact on how we conduct business, treat our customers, and benefit the world.


Our Humic Advantage

Humic substances, among the most wondrous products of nature, are the recycled essential residues of life. Plants harvest the sun’s energy and create life from that energy plus the carbon and oxygen they pull out of the air and the minerals they pull out of the soil. When plants die, all of their components are decomposed through the aid of microorganisms and mineralization, then returned to the soil as organic matter. Continue reading

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