BHN Hosted Annual Staff Meeting and Awards Night in Arizona

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) hosted its annual staff meeting on December 14-15, 2022, at its headquarters in Gilbert, Arizona. BHN staff from New Mexico, Mexico, and Brazil also flew in to attend the two-day event.

The company planned the all-staff gathering to recognize employees’ contributions and to celebrate significant milestones achieved in 2022—including the acquisition of an additional 40,000-square-foot building in Tempe, AZ, to facilitate further expansion and growth. [Read more…]

NMRWA 2019 Instructor of the Year Award Presented to Probiotic Solutions® Project Engineer, Heather Jennings

Ms. Jennings

Heather Jennings, Probiotic Solutions® Project Engineer

By Jael Batty

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. congratulates Heather Jennings, Project Engineer for Probiotic Solutions®, who was awarded Instructor of the Year at the New Mexico Rural Water Association (NMRWA) Conference on April 10. Ms. Jennings, who has been training and presenting for five and a half years, teaches basic and advanced wastewater math for certification, a course on microbes, and a nitrification/denitrification course.
Read more about Heather Jennings

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