The Water Break Podcast, Episode 17: Gain, Train, Retain

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In Episode 17, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses the aging of the current water and wastewater treatment operations workforce and efforts to recruit, train, and retain new workers. Her guests are Paula Jackson, Apprenticeship Program Coordinator for the Vermont Rural Water Association, and Shea Dunifon, Education Coordinator for Pinellas County Utilities’ South Cross Bayou Education Program.


NMRWA 2019 Instructor of the Year Award Presented to Probiotic Solutions® Project Engineer, Heather Jennings

Ms. Jennings

Heather Jennings, Probiotic Solutions® Project Engineer

By Jael Batty

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. congratulates Heather Jennings, Project Engineer for Probiotic Solutions®, who was awarded Instructor of the Year at the New Mexico Rural Water Association (NMRWA) Conference on April 10. Ms. Jennings, who has been training and presenting for five and a half years, teaches basic and advanced wastewater math for certification, a course on microbes, and a nitrification/denitrification course.
Read more about Heather Jennings

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