The Water Break Podcast, Episode 23: Pumps and Motors, Operation and Maintenance

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In The Water Break Podcast Episode 23, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses Pumps and Motor Operation and Maintenance with Glynn Stoffel, a certified environmental trainer and senior instructor for the University of Florida’s TREEO Center. Mr. Stoffel teaches courses related to the proper operation and maintenance of water and wastewater systems. He has over 30 years’ experience in the water and wastewater industry as a maintenance worker, manager, and consultant. He is a Certified Instructional Technologist (CIT) through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals and is recognized as a Master Instructor by the National Environmental Safety and Health Training Association.

Podcast Links

  • University of Florida Training, Research, and Education for Environmental Occupations (TREEO) Center

Wand’s Water Tidbit Links

Video for Engineers

The Water Break Podcast, Episode #3: Troubleshooting Water and Wastewater Systems

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In this podcast episode, host Heather Jennings, PE, interviews Fred Black and Ray Ramos of the New Mexico Rural Water Association on the topic of Troubleshooting Water and Wastewater Systems. Fred and Ray troubleshoot water and wastewater systems in the state of New Mexico, and together they have more than 50 years of experience in the water/wastewater industry.

Referenced in the Podcast
New Mexico Rural Water Association:

How to Row a Boat:

How NOT to Row a Boat:

Journal of Consumer Psychology: Taking a Shine to it: How the preference for glossy stems from an innate need for water.

Jemaine Clement—“Shiny” (from Moana) (Official Video)

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