Does Eutrophication cause Algae Blooms?

blue-green algae

Eutrophication is the structural change of water ecosystems that is caused by excess nutrients. Eutrophication results in algal blooms and poor water quality.

By Jael Batty

In this article, we discuss what causes eutrophication, how it affects the environment, and how it is treated. Continue reading

Do Constructed Wetlands Improve Water Quality?

wetlands at sunset

By Jael Batty

Constructed wetlands, which mimic natural wetlands, treat municipal and industrial wastewater, mine drainage, small business and household greywater, animal wastes, and agricultural and stormwater runoff. They are recommended by regulatory agencies as a best management practice to control urban runoff.
Read more about constructed wetlands

Toilet–to–Tap—Taking the Ick Out of Wastewater Recycling

Drinking water at a water treatment facility

By Jael Batty

The UN warns that by 2030, over half the world will be water-stressed, affecting food production and increasing exposure to waterborne disease. There is enormous potential in directly recycled wastewater. Unfortunately, attempts at wastewater recycling have historically been shot down by  the public.1 Thus, most treated wastewater is dumped into oceans and other water sources, becoming wasted water.2 Continue reading

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