Introducing New Humic Conversations Video Series

We are excited to introduce our new educational project, the Humic Conversations Video Series. As the name suggests, each episode of the series will focus on humic substances. Two leading researchers from our Humic Research Lab. Dr. Rich Lamar and Dr. Hiarhi Monda will share their expertise with the viewers.

In Episode 1 of this series, we discuss the basic science of humic substances. Dr. Lamar and Dr. Monda explain what humic and fulvic acids are, how they are formed, where they come from, and what their biostimulant properties are when it comes to plant and microbial growth.

The 16-minuite video is closed captioned in English and Spanish.

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 21: Digging Into Excavation and Trenching Safety

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In The Water Break Podcast Episode 21, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses Excavation and Trenching Safety with Joseph Lanute. Mr. Lanute is the owner of Universal Safety Compliance, LLC., and he is a lead Instructor at the OSHA Training Institute Education Center at Arizona State University. Universal Safety Compliance (phone 602-810-6713) is a full-service safety consulting, training and risk management company providing all aspects of safety and loss control services to companies throughout Arizona and the Southwest.

Podcast Links

Wanda’s Water Tidbit Links

The Water Break Podcast, Episode 10: Getting Clarification

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In Episode 10, Heather Jennings discusses water clarifiers with John Gottschall. Mr. Gottschall is retired, with over 40 years of experience in the wastewater industry. Topics covered in the podcast include introduction and orientation to water clarifiers, types, processes involved, and maintenance of clarifier systems. Mr. Gottschall shares many lessons learned from his long experience, along with stories from the field that include goats and lawn mowers!

John Gottschall may be contacted at

Podcast References from Wanda’s Water Tidbit: Ice Balls
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