The Water Break Podcast, Episode 27: I Spy Filaments in My Wastewater Treatment System

“Where we bridge the gap between water plant operators and engineers”

In Episode 27 of the Water Break Podcast, Heather Jennings, PE, discusses the microbiology of filamentous bacteria with Dr. Toni Glymph-Martin. Dr. Glymph-Martin is a Wastewater Microbiologist and Certified Operator, B-Level, with 40+ years’ experience in wastewater. She is the author of two books: A Wastewater Microbiology Laboratory Manual for Operators and Wastewater Microbiology: A Handbook for Operators. In today’s podcast, Dr. Glymph-Martin discusses how to microscopically identify the various types of foaming and sludge bulking bacteria and the best ways to manage those bacteria when they cause treatment system problems. [Read more…]

Use of Biostimulants for Upset Recovery in Paper Mill Wastewater Systems

By Heather Jennings, PE

Two specific Probiotic Solutions® liquid bioremediation products were used at a large-scale paper mill in China to address system upsets caused by hydraulic loading from new upstream processes.

The products involved are Bio Energizer® (BE)—a scientific formulation of organic acids, buffers, natural biological stimulants, micronutrients, and energy systems—and Micatrol® (MT), a specialized product that uses organic acid as a substrate to buffer wastewater microbial life. Both BE and MT are complexed with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) to deliver readily bioavailable nutrients to microorganisms. [Read more…]

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