Bio Energizer® Cuts Sludge Hauling Costs for Potato Wastewater Treatment Plant

Potato Wastewater TreatmentA wastewater treatment plant in Pennsylvania was experiencing process control problems when new potato waste stream flows increased by 26%. The additional load was causing filamentous issues in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR), settlability problems, and increased sludge hauling costs.

The engineer was unable to maintain the 8-foot decant level in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR). He couldn’t decant more than 2–3 feet under the excess load.

Probiotic Solutions® BIO ENERGIZER® was batch fed into 2 SBRs daily. Within 1 week, operators were able to decant 8 feet of supernatant from each SBR. The dosage rate was increased when the factory use of stored potatoes increased starches and residual BOD in the wastewater.

BIO ENERGIZER® applied over a period of 2 months to the wastewater treatment plant resulted in increased microbial activity, reduced filament and foam, improved decanting, reduced accumulated sludge and sludge hauling costs.

Probiotic Solutions® BIO ENERGIZER® is a formulation of nutrients, organic acids, natural biological stimulants, and energy systems that balance the natural microbial ecosystem to increase bio-oxidation capacity in lagoon systems. BIO ENERGIZER® is a broad-spectrum bio-activator containing over 30 essential microbial growth-promoting ingredients. Wastewater facility operators have been using BIO ENERGIZER® for many years to cut their sludge-hauling costs. For more information, go to

Read the Case Study here. 

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