The Water Break Podcast, Episode 18: Exploring Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors

“Where We Bridge the Gap Between Water Plant Operators and Engineers”

In Episode 18, Heather Jennings, PE, explores moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs) with her guest, Dan Turner, president of Blue Whale Technologies. MBBRs biologically treat wastewater by incorporating specialized media that increase surface area on which microorganisms can grow and consume organic material. Heather and Dan discuss MBBR applications, equipment, sizing and design, as well as process optimization.

Links: Blue Whale Technologies

Wanda’s Water Tidbit: The Mpemba Effect

Pulp and Paper Wastewater Solutions

Pulp and Paper Processing Plant
Experience the world’s most efficient wastewater remediation products, for operational stability of pulp and paper wastewater treatment facilities.
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Food Processing Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Cheese processing plant
Experience the world’s most efficient wastewater remediation products, for operational stability of food processing wastewater treatment facilities.
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Lower Operating Costs with Super Phos®

Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment System

Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment System

Project Summary

A paper mill wastewater treatment facility uses diammonium phosphate to maintain a healthy microbial population. These microorganisms, which break down the organic matter, require the correct concentration of available phosphorus, without which the microorganisms are unable to grow and reproduce.
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Do Constructed Wetlands Improve Water Quality?

wetlands at sunset

By Jael Batty

Constructed wetlands, which mimic natural wetlands, treat municipal and industrial wastewater, mine drainage, small business and household greywater, animal wastes, and agricultural and stormwater runoff. They are recommended by regulatory agencies as a best management practice to control urban runoff.
Read more about constructed wetlands

Bio Energizer, Micatrol & Bio Feed Reduce COD and Stabilize Wastewater Treatment for Plastic Producer

chartA plastic manufacturer in Taiwan needed a new process to efficiently treat elevated incoming chemical oxygen demand (COD) to comply with stringent EPA regulations for effluent discharge. The plant is an activated sludge treatment system with an influent of approximately 2,000 cubic meters per day (CMD) which is equivalent to approximately 530,000 gallons per day (GPD). The plant was unable to bring the plant into compliance using alternative technologies. 
Read more about treating elevated COD

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