Spring Is Coming and It’s Lagoon Time!

By Heather Jennings, PE

As winter loses its grip on us and we move toward spring, it’s finally time to start monitoring lagoons for seasonal turnover and stricter permit requirements. It’s also a great time to start bioremediation of your lagoon organic sludge!

With warmer weather it is easy to capitalize on those microorganisms that have been suppressed during the cooler months. A good example of this is a system we worked with in New Mexico that was dealing with irregular sludge build-up in their three lagoons. The system was modified to run in series relative to the influent rather than the short circuiting that took the first pond out of use. A 6-month test (later extended to 300 days) was developed in which Bio Energizer®, a bio stimulant, was administered to make nutrients more available to wastewater microorganisms.

Results: Pond 1 had a 12% sludge reduction, Pond 2 had a 36% reduction, and Pond 3 had a 24% reduction. The great thing is that no dredging expense was necessary, just daily application of Bio Energizer®.

To download/read the case study. click here for English or here for Spanish.

Just Another Snake Oil?

by Heather Jennings, PE

For years, the wastewater industry has been plagued with products that meet only half the expectations of the users or make matters worse. I get it. I personally questioned the efficacy of Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT—the nutrient carrier for all our liquid nutrient and biostimulant products) when I started with Probiotic Solutions®. Because I was the Doubting Thomas of the group, I was assigned to conduct data analysis of projects and to work with our R&D group. My training is Chemical Engineering, so I was not looking for the easy answers. My customers deserve the best answers I can give them! [Read more…]

BHN Earns 2019 Biostimulant Industry Impact Award

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), located in Gilbert, Arizona, is the recipient of the 2019 Biostimulant Industry Impact Award. The award was presented at Biostimulant CommerceCon in Atlantic City, New Jersey, by AgriBusiness Global and its parent company, Meister Media Worldwide. This prestigious annual award is given to the company that a panel has judged to have best leveraged biostimulant product innovation, successfully implemented a distribution strategy, and implemented a change-making marketing and communications campaign. The prize awarded includes an integrated media package valued at $25,000 USD. [Read more…]

Industrial Wastewater Treatment for Corn Processing Plant

Bio Energizer Treatment for Corn Processing Plant

Within a few months of operation, a lagoon and spray field system at a corn processing plant in Indiana began giving off offensive odors. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels in the anaerobic and aerobic lagoons climbed to 8,000 mg/L and 4,000 mg/L respectively. The pH in the anaerobic lagoon was dropping dangerously low for methane production. Attempts to resolve the issues with bacteria, odor masking products, and lime were unsuccessful and short-term at best. Lime settled to the bottom of the lagoons, temporarily raising pH and reducing odors. The odor soon became unmanageable and an annoyance to neighbors.
Read more about odor reduction

Bio Energizer, Micatrol & Bio Feed Reduce COD and Stabilize Wastewater Treatment for Plastic Producer

chartA plastic manufacturer in Taiwan needed a new process to efficiently treat elevated incoming chemical oxygen demand (COD) to comply with stringent EPA regulations for effluent discharge. The plant is an activated sludge treatment system with an influent of approximately 2,000 cubic meters per day (CMD) which is equivalent to approximately 530,000 gallons per day (GPD). The plant was unable to bring the plant into compliance using alternative technologies. 
Read more about treating elevated COD

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